Wednesday, 20 February 2013

It's Not You It's Me ...

Break Ups, like it or not, they happen in life! So far in my nearly 24 years, I am yet to do the breaking up in a relationship, I have always been on the receiving end ... which in hindsight doesn't really say much about me. (I have now just gone into a long thought process about if I am doing something wrong)!

As you are more than fully aware, I have recently been through one myself. Now just to give you a little background...

My ex and I started seeing each other about 9 years ago and we were on and off for 2 years. We called it quits and stayed friends and always kept in touch. I went to work abroad for 4 years, I come back and we meet up and hit it off again and started seeing each other.

Fast forward just over a year and you are right back to the present day, sitting with me typing this on my couch! At first I was heartbroken, to be honest I still am a little bit but I have had time to heal.

Everyone deals with things differently and break ups are no exception to that rule! Generally for me I have found that you go through several steps after a break up.
Step 1: The emotional stage (On average lasts for about 3 days)
Step 2: The denial stage (We have ALL thought that if you did some big gesture your ex will take you back)
Step 3: The angry stage (The urge to throw out/burn/destroy everything of the ex's that remains in your life)
Step 4: The makeover stage (You want to reinvent yourself and have a complete change)
Step 5: The slutty stage (You go out to bars and talk to random guys and ... well who knows the rest!)
Step 6: The confused stage (There are days where you still miss the ex and think you are still only on stages 1 or 2 but you are feeling a lot more positive about life)
I think if you tackle each stage one by one and keep control over your emotions you will be able to cope far more easy. That's what I have done and it has certainly helped. 

When you break up with someone, the first thing you want to do is sit on the sofa watching movies with you trusty break up companions Ben & Jerry! My personal recommendation is that you do this for no more than 2 days and you invite your best friend over and instead of them telling you things like 'there are plenty more fish in the sea' or 'things will get better', they sit with you and complain at just how rubbish the opposite sex are!
Another top tip for you is not to put anything on Facebook. I know the first thing you will probably want to do is write something about how upset you are or how angry you are but it is best to put yourself on a weeks facebook ban. Also instead of changing your relationship status to single, remove it completely, that way you won't get a million and one comments like 'Hugs xxx', 'What happened?', 'you ok? x', and you don't have to reply and cause yourself more heartache!
In all honesty I didn't think I was going to get over the heartache for a long time, I certainly didn't expect it to be now but I am certainly feeling a lot more chirpier! Of course I miss my ex and like most people I would love to have the chance to take him back ... but only time will tell on this one!!
How have you dealt with break ups?
Has this helped a little?

 *Heart Image Ref:*

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