Friday, 28 March 2014

Woman On A Mission . . .

I don't know about any of you ladies but when I see an attractive guy whether it be walking down the street, on the bus or in a cafe my whole entire body language and facial expressions change!

Whilst I was on the train yesterday, I caught myself completely changing my body language and facial expressions and ... I couldn't stop!!!

A gorgeous hunk of a man got on the train and sat on a seat facing me and I could see him a tiny bit. When I saw him, I immediately adjusted my position, sat up straight and starting doing this weird half smile/half pout thing which no normal human being ever does! Why on earth did I start doing this now?!

I moved so he could see just half my face and every now and then I looked up and made eye contact just for a few seconds. I was like a male peacock puffing up to attract their lady suiters. Why, why, why do I do this. Is it just me?

It got me thinking and I have realised that every time I see an attractive guy I start pushing out my chest, doing a god awful ridiculous pout smile and flicking my hair like there is no tomorrow ... WHAT IS THIS????!!!!

Surely a nice smile and a little eye contact and a hello would do the trick but ... no! My animal instincts kick in and I start doing these ridiculous things as I think they are going to attract the opposite sex!

When us ladies get ready for a night out we do our hair, slap on the make up and tan until we look like mahogany goddesses all in the hope of attracting the opposite sex. I am pretty sure guys would appreciate us more if we went over and actually said hi as opposed to doing all the hair flicking, dancing by them and pouting!

Please please please can any of you ladies tell me that it's not just me and that you do it too!!!


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