Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Keeping me in stitches ...

After spending an hour showering, exfoliating and self tanning I thought to myself ... Is this all worth it? Why do we do it? Self tanning has creeped it's way into most girls getting ready routine and it scares me how we think these days. I mean there is no extreme at the lengths women will go to make themselves appear better.
 No one bats an eyelid when someone has a little nip/tuck and sometimes I find myself entering a conversation about what I would change about myself if I had surgery. We can't open any magazine without at least one celebrity who has had something done appearing, it is that common that most of our idols aren't as natural as they seem.
These days you can get the 'lunch time' procedures where you are in and out in an hour ... like everything these days even plastic surgery has that 'convenience' about it. Cosmetic Surgery is so wide spread now that you can literally have ANYTHING worked on, from boob jobs, to arm and thigh lifts to getting your teeth fixed and whitened.

Since I have been 16 I have wanted a breast enlargement and for the past year or so I have been toying with the idea of having lip fillers. Now I know that cosmetic enhancements aren't for everyone and I completely understand that some of you could be quite horrified that anyone would do that to their bodies. I respect your views and I ask before I continue that you respect mine and leave any negative comments about my decision to yourself.

Now my breasts are a healthy size 38F ... and most of you are probably wondering why on earth I would want to make them bigger. Well the downside is that I am also a size 16 and although I am still slightly top heavy I am concerned that when I lose weight my boobs will go all saggy and wrinkly and well ... let's be fair ... that's not a good look on ANYONE!!! Although the women in my family are top heavy and when we lose weight our boobs seem to stay relatively 'full' shall we say, I like the Katie Price/Barbie/Jodie Marsh tiny waist HUGE boob look ... that's just me! Barbie is actually what I dream of looking like and I just think she is gorgeous and I constantly walk round in Barbie clothing and my dream car is a pink VW beetle!!!

I have made a deal with myself that I am going to start saving for my breast enlargement when I reach a UK size 10/12 no matter when that is.

Now for the lips, my lips I would say are average sized, my top lip is a lot thinner than my bottom lip and I am wanting fillers to even it all out. A local beauty salon of mine does lip fillers for a measly £120 which I think is a bargain. As soon as I find a job and have paid off debts and passed my driving test I am going to celebrate by having my lips done which I think is reasonable.

 I don't want to look plastic or like an inflatable doll, I just want to enhance what is already there in a natural looking way. Now although I am wanting these procedures done it does upset me in a way that this is the way we think and how we act in modern society.

I know that may sound very contradictive but I honestly think all of the false eyelashes, the tan, the cosmetic surgery shouldn't be how we think we look good but unfortunately in todays society that is what is 'beautiful'.

Have you ever had cosmetic surgery? Have you ever thought about having any cosmetic procedures? Let me know, I would love to hear your stories!!



  1. I think as long as it's in moderation you should do what makes you happy. And make sure that it's all legit and you make sure you look after yourself and get a lot of after-care from professionals.
    It's good that you have a goal in mind, that will spur you on :)
    I've always wanted a nose job personally. There will always be people that disagree with plastic surgery.

    Sally x

    1. That's what I wanted to do ... I didn't want to just go out and do it I want to make sure I have done everything I can to make myself look better and then enhance myself with the surgery.

      The thought of a nose job freaks me out I don't mind the thought of any other procedure but the one really gives me shivers lol!


  2. Jazz you must google a picture of barbie without her make up. I think its on London Beauty Blog. Barbie has braces, bags under her eyes frizzy hair and braces.

    I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with "enhancing" what you already have. At the end of the day everyone wants to feel and look good.


    1. Oh I think I saw that floating around on facebook! It's so good and so weird seeing barbie like that ... its nice to know she needs a little help too ha ha
