Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Taking The Plunge ...

After my online dating post went up I decided to take the plunge and agree to a date with a guy who I have been talking to for about a good week or so now. He lives not too far from me and he seems very genuine and kind and we have a lot in common.
I am still PETRIFIED to meet him as I am diving head first into the unknown but I just thought, I have nothing to lose and if I don't do it now, I never will.
I can't take all of the credit though, me and two of my best friends decided to make a pact. We have each been talking to guys who we quite like so we decided, If one of us asked our guy out on a date, the rest of us had to! I was the first one so the other two took the plunge with me. It was quite comforting knowing that two of my best friends will be sharing the journey with me.
The guy and I have decided we will go out just for a drink at the weekend and then if we hit it off we will do dinner another time. The only problem in which I have now is ... WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR?!?!
I have two outfits in mind. I know I will wear skinny jeans, heels and a vest top. Over the top I am thinking either a blazer or a sheer shirt to look a bit more casual. Let me know in the comments which one you think I should go for.
I have however, just had to explain in a text what a blog is ... not the easiest task!
If you want to know how it goes just let me know ... and PLEASE le me know your suggestions on the outfit!!!


  1. Eeep! That sounds petrifying! Um, I'd say go for the sheer shirt? Very feminine and laid back. Good luck, I hope it goes well! :) XX

    1. One for the sheer shirt got it! Thanks hun ... I'm so nervous =D


  2. Ooo exciting, good luck! :)I like the idea of the sheer top, you want to be dressy but not like you're trying too hard, you need to make sure you're comfortable.

    Sally x

    1. Excellent! Looks like the sheer top is a winner!! Comfy is always good!

