Monday, 17 February 2014

Medication Monday ...

First of all I would like to point out that the title of this post isn't condoning any of you to start taking random prescribed medication nor am I saying strong medication is by any means a good thing. With that said let us crack on with todays post ...

As those of you who have been reading my blog for a while or those who know me personally will know, I am suffering from a chronic illness called Endometriosis. Yes this is a rather long and hard to say name so for short we like to call it 'Endo'. I have briefly talked about this condition in a few posts last March as every year March is Endometriosis Awareness Month. 

As march is fast approaching you will see more posts about the condition and what it is exactly then but for now to keep this post a relatively short one and one that won't make your brain feel like it is about to implode from all the information you will be reading. In brief Endometriosis is a horrible condition which is to do with womens time of the month lets say, it can lead to other things such as insomnia, depression and even infertility. 

Now some women also suffer with chronic pain with this condition, others feel no pain at all. This is by no means an indication of how bad these women suffer. For me, I suffer A LOT of pain. Back in March 2013 I had to quit my job as the pain was so horrific. Up until last week the doctors and hospital have been really bad in giving me any form of medication to ease the pain and have only been giving 500mg ibuprofen tablets or coedine. Both of these have not touched the pain I have been suffering with, to be honest, they don't even get rid of a headache for me!

I visited my doctors surgery last week and I finally got prescribed some strong medication in the form of Tramadol. If you don't know what Tramadol is, it is basically like I say a very strong medication where the next thing up is liquid morphine! I have been taking this and thankfully it has made my pain minimal. I recently got a new job and the tablets are helping so much I immediately feel slightly relieved.

Now, of course, with all medication it has it's side effects. The first day I took it I felt almost drunk. I was really tired, my whole body felt as light as air and I definitely felt like my head wasn't on this planet. Since then it has not affected me quite as bad and it has just made me feel quite sick on occasions. This seems to have settled down now also which is a bonus!

One thing the medication seems to have affected the most is my memory. I am forgetting so many things, not to the point in which they seem vague. No, no, to the point where I have no recollection of certain things at all. For exmaple, On Friday I asked one of my best girl friends if we could Skype as I hadn't spoken to her for a good week or two and I wanted to fill her in on my doctors appointment and my recent date etc. During our conversation I mentioned how I needed to fill her in on everything and as I started to tell her she said she already knew as I had spoken to her on Wednesday! I actually have no recollection of ever being on the phone to her only a few days ago ... scary stuff!

Another thing about this medication is that I can't drink alcohol whilst taking them which will be pretty much forever! Which is kind of rubbish but at the end of the day I would choose my health over alcohol anyday. Plus I am equally as fun sober as I am drunk!

Have you ever had any medication that has made you have any weird side effects?


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