Tuesday 23 April 2013

All You Need Is Love ...

As you guys will be aware, life isn't too brilliant for me at the moment.

Usually I am the type of person who doesn't really share how I am feeling with my family and I usually ask advice from my best girl friends and or partners. Lately however, my Mum has been the best shoulder to cry on I could ask for.

A few days ago I had a little bit of a cry and moan (when I say a little it was more like an actual meltdown but we shall overlook this), she was absolutely fantastic! She is helping me out financially whilst I am trying to look for work/sort out some financial aid which is brilliant. Paying my phone bill, car insurance and debt, I couldn't ask for more!

Also with being single etc, I have come to realise lately that as long as you have friends and family in your life you have all the riches you need in life! As long as you have that love in your life, you have already won in the game of life.

Houses, Cars, Money, Clothes, Jewellery, Technology ... they are nothing unless you have loved ones around you to share it with. 

We take so much in life for granted, sometimes we need to just stop and take a second to look around us and realise that everything we need is right there, we already have everything we need in life.

This is an extremely old photo of my Mum and me, It was taken Christmas 2009. I thought I would share it with you all the same.

Also I have been toying with the idea of doing some videos. Let me know what you think in the comments.

Enjoy your day!


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