Thursday, 7 March 2013

Geeky Releases I Am Looking Forward To In 2013...

Underneath my pink, sparkly, girly, make upped exterior sits one MASSIVE geek! I am pretty sure that housed in each and every one of us is a raging geek itching to come out.

2013 is proving to be an amazing year for our inner geeks and I think, even for this year alone, we should let our inner geek flags fly! 

With so many major releases this year in the gaming, movie and technology worlds, I thought I would share with you the ones I am most excited about.


Ironman 3 - The Ironman trailer has been one of the most awaited in a long time and now it seems no one can contain their excitement as the release date gets closer and closer. Ironman 3 is, as it would appear, the third in the Ironman series and if 1 and 2 are anything to go by it will be AMAZING!

Sin City: A Dame To Kill For - With it's amazing cinematography the original Sin City film was a breakthrough in the way films are made and the announcement of a second film well just excites me far too much! The Film will be based on Frank Miller's book 'A Dame To Kill For' which was first published in 1993.

Other films in which I am ridiculously excited for this year are The Hangover 3, Fast & Furious 6 (I literally cannot stop watching the trailor) and of course, one of the most highly anticipated films since the start of film itself ... Anchorman 2!


PS4/XBOX 720 - There has been so much speculation over what both the PS4 and XBOX 720 consoles will look like and what new features they will have. I am so excited to see what Sony and Microsoft have done with these consoles and depending on graphics , how the console looks and of course the price I shall be purchasing one of them without a doubt!

The Sims 3: University Life - I am a HUGE Sims fan and it is hard to peel me away from the game. That said I am very rarely excited about the expansion packs and especially the more recent ones. The Pets expansion pack didn't thrill me that much as I know in the Sims 2: Unleashed the pets just kind of got in the way, the same with the Supernatural release earlier this year, in the Sims 2: Makin' Magic it didn't actually benefit me that much. When I heard about this particular expansion pack it didn't really have me interested ... that was until I saw some gameplays on YouTube and now I have decided I just HAVE to have it as soon as it is released!


Technology releases are always a bit all over the place when it comes to rumours, speculation and chinese whispers. I have however decided to share some things which I have heard are to be released this year which does get me a little excited.

Bendy Screen Smartphone - Yes you read correct, apparently the giants at Samsung are to release a smartphone with a bendy screen. This is the most genius amount of technology I have ever heard of as I am forever worrying that my Iphone screen will smash when dropped.

Fujitsu Lifebook - Nope this isn't some weird and wonderful Facebook equivalent sent to the world wide web to rival it, no, no, this is a tablet, laptop, digital camera and phone all rolled into one! The idea is that the camera on the laptop pops out and you can use it as a hand held, the laptop monitor transforms into a tablet etc etc. I can understand the idea and I suppose I do live with the idea that it is better to keep everything in one place where possible, but is this taking modern techlogy one step too far?

What are you most looking forward to this year?


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